Virus + Spam

In the world of digital communication, spam and viruses feel omnipresent, creeping in from all corners of the internet. These pesky nuisances have become an undeniable constant in our email communications, invading inboxes and adding unnecessary noise to our professional and personal lives. Since spam and virus attacks continue to evolve, Sterling's mission is to consistently stay one step ahead, ensuring the safety and security of your communications.

At Sterling, we have a revolutionary three-step process designed to shield our clients from these digital threats. This state-of-the-art strategy starts with a cloud-based portal and culminates in users being granted control features to further customize their email security.

Our comprehensive outbound filtering system has a multi-faceted approach. To begin with, it incorporates an intricate attachment scanning process. This ensures that any documents, images or files attached to outgoing emails are not only safe for the recipient but also protect your system from inadvertently spreading potential threats.

In addition, our system applies an advanced virus filtering technique. Leveraging cutting-edge technology, we scan each outbound email for known and emerging threats, thus ensuring that all outgoing communications are virus-free. This not only protects the integrity of your emails but also safeguards the receivers' systems.

Another major feature of our strategy is implementing rate controls. By limiting the number of emails that can be sent from an account within a certain period, we can prevent spammers from using your email to spread unsolicited content widely.

Lastly, our outbound filtering system includes an encryption feature. By encrypting emails, we add an extra layer of security, making it much harder for unauthorized individuals to access sensitive information.

In essence, our system helps ensure that all outgoing emails are legitimate and virus-free. This level of detail and protection is what our team strives to deliver each and every day.

If you too find yourself entrenched in the ongoing war against spam and viruses, consider calling in reinforcements. At Sterling, we would love to join forces with you, shouldering the responsibility of maintaining your digital safety. We don't just fight the fight; we strategize, innovate and relentlessly push the boundaries to keep you and your communications safe from the relentless onslaught of digital threats.

Give us a call today. Let's make your digital world safer, together.

Ryan Gillihan